Today's is Friday, and exactly one week ago I was at the top of the Rockefeller Center, the Top of the Rock in New York City, where I recorded this video for you. It's amazing how one day I'm there, the next I'm in Chile, and in two days I will be in lovely Costa Rica. And I travel this much because I love it, not because of a job that tells me I have to travel. Plus, I make money from most of my travels. You have to figure out a way to monetize your ideal lifestyle and boom! It's going to be something! And if you need help figuring that out, here's how I can help!

Anyway, the video below is meant to inspire you to look at life differently. So many of you count the days from Monday until Friday, not realising that this means you hate about 70% of your own life. Is that the life you want to live? Are you sure? You want your life to be a constant count down? Believe it or not, you have the power to change this, as soon as today.

Yes, I know the audio isn't the best but it was SO windy up there! But if you listen carefully, you'll get the message 🙂 Please share this video with anyone who needs to hear this!

I'm hosting my first event in London, UK this year! If you want to be first to know all the details, make sure you get on the notification list right here!

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