FunnelKit: Build Your Sales Funnel From Scratch!

One of the key ingredients to a successful internet marketing business, if not THE key ingredient, is having a sales funnel that converts. From the opt in page, to the sales letter, even the order forms. Everything has to be in place in such a way that it increases conversions.

And my good friend Emilis, aka Emka, is about to release FunnelKit, a WordPress plug in that solves all your problems when it comes to building a sales funnel. It's simple, easy to use, no technical skills are required, and most importantly, it converts.

I built this pretty cool page in just a few minutes:

Your imagination is the limit. I'm surprised about how customizable the pages are. So it is definitely a good tool to ad to your existing internet marketing toolbox 🙂

I you want to learn more, go to this link and watch the videos! It's launching next week 🙂


Captura de pantalla 2013-12-07 a la(s) 23.33.47


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