Episode 126: Meeting Tai Lopez at Affiliate Summit

If you haven't seen one of Tai Lopez ads pop up on your computer or your phone, then you must be living under a rock. The guy is everywhere. Some people love him, some hate him, but that's how it is when you are a public figure. Especially one that invests hundreds of thousands of dollars per month in ads. He's all over Youtube, Facebook and around the web. And guess what, it works.

I got a chance to meet him at Affiliate Summit in Las Vegas last week, and the cool thing was that I was also a speaker. How awesome is it to share the stage so to speak, with people playing the game at a higher level than you. That's what keeps me inspired to continue my hustle!

I am not Tai's biggest fan, but I do follow and watch what he's doing, because if he's doing it so often and investing so much money, it's because it's working.

I want to invite you to watch this next episode of my Vlog, so you can get excited about going to conferences and networking with people!

So what do you think about Tai Lopez? Like him or not? Leave a comment below!

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