Episode 125: Make Money From Your Passion – At #ASW18

Another good friend I've made in the industry is Jeremy Schoemaker, aka Shoemoney. I met Jeremy two years ago on a yacht when we were both featured on the reality show Below Deck on BravoTV. And while I'm not happy with how they edited it to make me look like the most picky human being on earth, having met Jeremy was one of the best things that came out of it and I'm really happy to call him a friend.

I got to see his panel along with John Chow at this year's Affiliate Summit West, and I caught him for a few minutes before he was leaving the room, to get some advice from him with regards to starting a blog in 2018. Watch this episode to find out what he had to say about that, and of course, to catch up with my Vegas shenanigans 🙂

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4 thoughts on “Episode 125: Make Money From Your Passion – At #ASW18

  1. Hi Carolina,
    This message just popped up on my monitor due to a recent email you sent, I think.
    Anyway I am a fellow MOBE affiliate, but still a struggling one, but working on it.
    Your blog looks good, I’ll download your video series, maybe I can get some hint.
    I’m looking to create some free bonuses like the books you offer. If you get a chance I would appredciate some info on how to do that.
    All the Best

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