Live Webinar: Leverage Facebook for Your Business

Have you ever heard a fellow Marketer or Entrepreneur say that Facebook isn't working that well for them anymore? Or perhaps you've heard “Facebook is dead”.

Well, to debunk those myths, I have invited a special guest to conduct a free Masterclass on Facebook Marketing. Non other than my friend Michelle Pescosolido. You can register here:

In this webinar you're going to learn:

  • The absolute FASTEST way to get red-hot leads from Facebook for any product or service

  • The Ultimate Fan Page Kick-Start Formula: how to quickly and easily gain new “Likes” and create raving fans without breaking the bank

  • Our simple 7-step formula for extracting more leads than you can handle from Facebook

  • The Bulletproof Ad Blueprint: How to avoid “Red Flags”, Bypass Ad Rejection & STay Out of Facebook Jail

Michelle agreed to come teach this Master Class so you don't want to miss this! Even if you think you can't attend, register anyway, because who knows, you might have to be there if you want your business to skyrocket.

We have very limited spots so make sure you register NOW:

We are excited to see you there!

Carolina and Michelle Pescosolido

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