I'M BACK on this blog!
For years I have been following Gary Vaynerchuk. His spirit, his drive and of course, his hustle, motivate me and inspire me. And just as I am a fan of music groups (take Muse for example) and want to meet them and see them live, I feel the same way about my personal development and Marketing heroes. Gary is one of those heroes/role models for me.
I strongly believe you can make anything happen for you, as long as you have the guts to do whatever it takes. When back in late 2015 it was announced that Gary would speak at Traffic & Conversion Summit in San Diego, CA in February 2016, I made it a goal for me to be there and see Gary Live. But, I also wanted to meet him.
So as any other hustler would do, I started to tweet him and tell him how big of a fan I was, and how important it was for me to get a chance to meet him. So, he followed me back (wow) and then I started to exchange a couple of direct messages with him on Twitter.
I bought my ticket to the event, my flights and made all the necessary arrangements to be there. On the day of the event, I messaged him again asking him if it would be possible to meet him! And he was really cool about it, messaged me back and told me where to meet him and at what time. And I even was late, can you believe it! Here's the photo we took:

And so, because I wanted to make this even cooler and bring Gary to you, my reader, I prepared something VERY exciting.
I invited Gary to do an exclusive online interview with me, for my audience (YOU), and he agreed! And, to make the deal sweeter, I committed to give away 50 copies of his new book, to people who would attend the call. I'm actually buying his book (kindle or physical copy) and sending it to YOU.
You might be wondering, what do you have to do to participate? All I ask is that you cover the shipping of the book. That's it! And you'll be able to participate in this live video interview with Gary, and hopefully, get to ask him a question! Want to know if Snapchat is the place to be? What are the next trends to hit the industry and how to profit from them? This is my own version of #AskGaryVee!
To cover your shipping fee and watch a special video I created, simply go to this link and pay attention!
I look forward to see you on Friday!
4 thoughts on “My Own Version of #AskGaryVee with Gary Vaynerchuk!”
The link to Gary’s book isn’t working. 🙁
Hi Derek! I tested it an it works! 🙂
the link to the book puts me automatically into you .net website where it goes through all of your information…ebook, facebook group etc. There is only 2 seconds on the garyvee information. Not sure what that is about but it is the same thing that happened to me last night and must have happened to Derek.
Yes, now I see the issue was the timer! I’ve removed it. Try now 😉