Design Your Life – Carolina’s VLOG from Las Vegas

OK so I won't be doing a “daily vlog”, but I've realised most of my videos, especially when I'm traveling, are actually vlogs too, but with extra value, not just me talking about my day. Still, I will start incorporating a little more personal stuff into my videos, because I want to let you into my World a little more. Let's see how this turns out. In the meantime, I have a ton of videos coming up for you, that I've held for some time because of no time to edit them. Now I have a super cool video editor working for me, so more content to come!


I recorded this video on November 22nd 2016, before checking out from my hotel in Las Vegas.

I had a bad throat and could barely speak, but the message I had to deliver for you that day made it 100% worth it.

If you feel trapped in “the system” or “the matrix”  and think there's no way you can escape and actually design a life that gets you excited to get out of bed every morning, then you need to watch this video.

Leave me a comment below if it touched a nerve, and of course, share this video with whomever you think desperately needs to hear this!


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2 thoughts on “Design Your Life – Carolina’s VLOG from Las Vegas

  1. Hi dear carolina
    Am in 21 steps and i wonna you be my coach how can i do …really you inspire me ..plz how can i do ;

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