I still remember some of the first few social media experts I followed back in 2008-2009 when I joined Twitter. Scott Stratten, SM Examiner (hopefully I'll get him on my podcast soon too), and of course, Mari Smith. It's crazy that after all this time I've been able to meet these legends and also interview them for my podcast, to talk about the evolution of these platforms, but also the users and marketers that rely on them. If you need help with your Facebook Marketing, go to socialadsagency.com and book a strategy call with me and my team!
I met Mari Smith back in July 2018, while we were both speaking at Affiliate Summit East! What a joy and honor to have shared the stage with her (watch my full keynote here), and to see how much taller than me she is, I mean look at this screencap from when we met in NYC, lol (you can watch that full vlog here)

When we met, I told her I was a big fan, and if it would be ok to invite her as a guest to my podcast, Beyond The Hustle. She was super awesome about it and said yes, and finally in January we were able to make the interview happen! I'm always looking to invite people that not only I admire, but that I know will add tremendous value to my audience, and Mari Smith is no exception!
Some of the topics we discussed on the interview with Mari Smith:
- Facebook in 2019 and where it's going.
- How to improve your ad targeting if you're a marketer
- The importance of testing placements
- Why video should be your priority when creating content
- Privacy issues and more!
Go ahead and enjoy the audio interview right here below and leave your comments!
Or watch the video here 🙂 Leave your comments and share to show love and support!
3 thoughts on “Mari Smith On Facebook Marketing in 2019 – Ep 044 of Beyond The Hustle”
Se algo de inglés, parte entiendo y parte más o menos.
Ojala se pudiera editar para cambiar el idioma en los subtitutlos en youtube.
Saludos desde México
I am sorry, ya vi la opción.
Excelente entrevista, te felicito Carolina.
Temas muy interesantes y sobre todo lo que viene en Facebook-
En algún momento se utilizo algo de los bots en México sobre en ciertas esferas políticas.
Deciamos es un bots el que esta contestando. Y/o tal cual cosa esta publicando.
Cambiando de tema yo tengo hasta ahorita como 392 seguidores y soy auténtico, real y publicando mi historia.
Felicidades Carolina
Saludos desde México