How To Grow Your Snapchat Audience with GhostCodes

For the last few months I've been putting a lot of my attention and efforts into Snapchat.

I strongly believe in this platform, and by now you should too. They're aiming for a $25Billion valuation right now, can you imagine? Linkedin has been around for about 13 years and it's selling for $26B. Snapchat has only been around for 4 or 5. It's the place where most of the attention is, because if you follow someone there, you have to be paying attention to them to actually follow them.

People like Gary Vaynerchuk understand attention arbitrage. You have to go where attention is.

Unlike facebook, where you can just scroll down your newsfeed and not really “see” anything.

I'll be creating a full Snapchat tutorial really soon, but for now I want to leave you with an app called GhostCodes, that I believe will enhance your Snapchat experience. I explain it all in the video below, but Social Media is all about being social. If you use this app to find new people, make it a point to interact with some of them. I know you'll love it!

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