3 Tips To Easily Create Content for your Brand

Hey, I'm back with another episode in my Marketing and Lifestyle Vlog.

I actually recorded this video in London, England, back in August. It took me a while but I finally hired a video editor to work on several of my unedited videos, so over the next few weeks, I'll be posting videos like crazy. I even have videos from 2015 that I haven't edited.

As a “solopreneur” it's too hard to get everything done yourself, and so, certain things get neglected. It's funny though, because video is one of my main activities that keeps my business growing, but when you're too busy working with clients, attending events, setting up funnels, etc. you kinda struggle to keep everything that matters afloat. So, what you need to do, is to begin outsourcing tasks before you get to the point I've gotten. Do it early on in your business.

My main piece of advice though, there are certain things you should at least learn how to do yourself before you outsource them. Perhaps video editing isn't one of them, or building a blog or a funnel (which by the way, my team can do WITH you), however, setting up a Facebook ad for example, can be very tempting to outsource. But don't do it from the get go, that's the type of activity where it's key that you understand what your outsourcer is doing, before you hand it over to them. And that's just one of the skills I've acquired over time and that I teach to my clients.

With all of that out of the way, let's get into what THIS vlog is about. It's Content Creation.

The people I model, the ones I follow, are great at this. And they have one general advice. That is, to document. You don't alway have to get inspired to create content (although it's SO awesome when it happens), sometimes what's going on in your daily life is filled with lessons that you can share with the World, as well as entertainment!

Sit back, relax and enjoy today's video! 🙂 oh, and please SHARE!

PS: it's Cyber Monday week and I have a DEAL for you, grab it here, just $1 ! 

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