How To Deal With Envious People When You’re Doing Well

I spent two and a half weeks in London following one of my passions. I was there to see my favorite band MUSE, and what can I say, I also am passionate about London itself, and traveling. I also got to see a play with Matthew Perry (I'm a huge fan of Friends!) and that was pretty awesome too. Do you think I should start a travel blog? Leave a comment if you agree and I'll get on it!

Anyway, I want to share with you a video I recorded while I was at Trafalgar Square on my last day. A client asked me how I dealt with people around me being jealous of my success. He told me he sometimes has to hide the sums of money he makes with his business because of that reason. Here's what came to me as an answer. Please note, I was feeling quite sick when I recorded the video, but nevertheless, I hope you enjoy it and share it in your social platforms! 🙂

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One thought on “How To Deal With Envious People When You’re Doing Well

  1. Great Stuff Carolina. This reminds me of the “Crab Theory” where people try to bring you down as you are clawing your way up to success.

    I also agree that having thick skin and having the emotional fortitude to rise above it can be difficult sometimes.

    Nonetheless – we appreciate what you do and the people you provide value for – and continued success!


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