Common Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs

What do you think makes some people more successful than others? Some people go as far as to say it's genetics. Sure, I think some people grow up in an entrepreneurial environment, and just love money early on. But just because that wasn't your case, it doesn't mean you can't build certain habits that will set you up for success.

I was talking to my High Performance Coach this morning, and the way she put it was simply brilliant. When we schedule our day, and look at the activities we will be engaging in, if we are not very specific, if we are not aligned with a big project or a big goal, we are not setting ourselves up for success, but quite on the contrary. You overwhelm and clutter your head. You use your valuable time on tasks that aren't contributing to your big goals. Clarity is just sooo important.

But there are also other common traits that make a person successful, that you can build around yourself. I made this video to talk about some of them that in my opinion are key to success!

What other common traits do you see among people who are successful? What new skill are you going to develop? Tell me in the comments!

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