Why Successful Entrepreneurs Meet



I haven't met any successful Entrepreneur, especially Tech Entrepreneurs and Online Entrepreneurs, that didn't meet others in person at seminars, workshops and events. And if you read this blog post until the end I'll give you a special gift that will enhance you as an entrepreneur!

Successful Entrepreneurs Know The Value Behind Building Relationships With Like-Minded People

When you get in a room full of people who share the same passion as you, the same dreams and the same ideals and values… you are set achieve a lot more than sitting at home in front of the computer.

I remember back in 2009, I had just started my first job a year ago, when I started to attend seminars and conferences. All the people I was meeting online I finally had the chance to meet in person. And not only that, being in a seminar room, learning new knowledge, acquiring new skills, taking notes, interacting with new people, meeting the Speakers in person was so much better than watching videos on Youtube.

Always Aspire To Be The Dumbest Person In The Room When It Comes To Attending Workshops

I'm sure you know what I'm talking about right? If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room. Successful people know that they never stop learning, that they'll always get value from conversations with people who are more successful than they are. Maybe you've been to seminars and conferences before, you kinda get addicted to it after a while! I fly around the World to attend conferences. I've been to Cannes Lions and Le Web Paris in France; I've been to Tony Robbins' Unleash The Power Within in New York, and also a number of conferences in the US and many more countries!

Attending Live Seminars And Workshops Is  Hands Down The Best Investment You Can Make In Yourself! 

It was thanks to the seminars and workshops I attended that I finally quit my job in 2010 and started my own business online.

How would you like experience more freedom in your life? How would you like to discover the exact strategies people around the World are using today to build a Brand and an Income purely Online? Wouldn't it be cool to no longer be lost at sea,  when it comes to creating a business online? Imagine if you could manage your business from your laptop, anywhere in the World. Wouldn't that be great?

Business Workshop in San Diego Shows You How To Create Your Own Economy

How would you like to create your own Economy, and stop depending 100% on your job? Or even better, how would you like to quit your job, travel the World, spend more time with your family and have your money working for you instead of the other way around?

Am I getting a YES?

I'm Carolina and attending one of these Workshops changed my life.  Two years ago, I flew all the way from my hometown in Chile to attend one of these Workshops in Los Angeles. It was the best investment I had made in myself to date!

The IM Freedom Workshop is all about Entrepreneurs who MEET to make their dreams come true.

Photo taken at one of our previous workshops... see the enthusiasm?
Photo taken at one of our previous workshops… see the enthusiasm?

The IM Freedom is a 2- hour Business Workshop that takes place in different cities around the World. We've had workshops in Miami, Los Angeles, London, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, and now… it's coming to San Diego, California! 

When and Where?

The dates are July 6th at the Hilton San Diego Airport/Harbor Island Hotel.  Next date is July 7th at the Sheraton La Jolla. And finally July 8th at the Doubletree Mission Valley Hotel. Each day there will be two workshop sessions, and you simply have to pick One day and One session by filling out the form at the bottom of this page!

What I like about this Workshop, which I've had the pleasure to attend before, is that it's a no B.S. Workshop where you're going to discover exactly what is working today. Marketing Experts will teach you the main strategies used to build a sustainable business using the Power of the Internet.

By Invitation Only.

These workshops are by invitation only. Because I have had tremendous success with the strategies taught on the workshop, I'm allowed to invite 100 people reading this page to attend. That's right! There are limited spots so perhaps not all 100 people who register on this page will be selected. It's going to be First Come, First Served. If you are reading this, it's not by chance!

Come Rub Shoulders With Successful People

So I encourage you to fill out the form below Right Now and once you receive a confirmation e-mail from my partner, the owner of the company behind these trainings, Matt Lloyd, that means You're IN!

Fill out the form below for your chance to get a Free Invitation and get ready to Change Your Life!


Fill out my online form.

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