Values and Rules for an Extraordinary Life

I recently returned from Australia after attending a Tony Robbins seminar called Date With Destiny. It's probably been one of the most life-changing seminars I've ever attended, and I'm not even exaggerating. If you're familiar with Tony, then you know the level of commitment he has to his work, his dedication is remarkable and I cannot think of anyone else ever coming close to what he does!

Anyway, I've been a fan of Tony's for a few years now, but it wasn't until 2015 that I was finally ever to attend one of his seminars live. Unleash The Power Within (UPW) is the first seminar you need to attend if you haven't seen him live yet, then there's Life and Wealth Mastery (I did a post and video about that last year you can check here)  and Date With Destiny is just the perfect way to close that circle. My next goal is to become a Platinum Partner of his, and attend Business Mastery. All of this by May 2017 so let's make it happen!

I recorded this video to share with you just one piece of knowledge I got at this seminar. After 6 days of intense work on ourselves, our relationships, and of course, our destiny, I could probably make 100 videos. But let's start with one that I believe is absolutely crucial for you to live an extraordinary life.

Enjoy the video and leave me a comment!

I'll help you create an extraordinary Life and Business for yourself! Click here to apply to work with me personally! 

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