The Affiliate Summit is a networking event for affiliate marketers and vendors that takes place twice a year. I had the opportunity to attend the Affiliate Summit West this year. I have to say I was impressed by the amount of people attending. At least 5,000 people! It was a three day event taking place at the Paris hotel in Las Vegas. I had never been to Vegas before, and I had a blast.
What's cool about this event? It's all about Networking. Sure, there were a few valuable conferences, but my biggest takeaway was getting to be in a place with so many people who are very passionate about making a living through their blogs, their websites, their personal brand, their CPA campaigns, etc. Entrepreneurs who believe in living the lifestyle they deserve for themselves, their families and the World.
I love inspiring and helping people get started with an online business. If I can do it, pretty much anyone can. I made this quick video to share with you my biggest takeaway from the event 🙂 Enjoy!
2 thoughts on “My Affiliate Summit Experience in Las Vegas 2015”
Thank you for coming to Affiliate Summit; loved the ILT method. We hope to see you in NYC in August.
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