4 Steps to Reinforce Your Self-Belief

I recently had a one on one coaching call with Joseph McClendon III, who has been a Mentor and inspiring figure for me! During the call, I shared some of my challenges with him and he gave me some amazing insights on improving my self-belief. I told him that I was battling with self-confidence, which wasn't letting me scale my business. There are so many projects that I need to work on that I keep postponing. He asked me a very powerful question: “what is one thing that if you took care of it, everything else would fall into place.” What I said to him was that I had some limiting beliefs about money, which kept me from taking action.

And on top of my self-confidence not being where it needed to be, it was clear that I needed to work on that! And so, in my latest podcast episode, I'm sharing that experience with you.

During our coaching call, Joseph gave me a very valuable exercise, consisting of four steps:

1) Write Down your Belief Statement

2) Read it out loud every hour for 10 days (at least!)

3) Schedule and DO

4) Celebrate!

Been practicing this for a few days and I'm so excited to be sharing it with you today! Think of something that, before you can achieve it, you need to make yourself believe you can achieve it. Self-belief is very important, even more so than strategy! If you take this knowledge and implement it, I want to hear your results and breakthroughs! Make sure you share with me on social media!

Listen to the episode here:

If you don't know Joseph yet, he's Ton Robbins' right hand man at many of his events, plus, I also did a full on episode with Joseph as my guest for my podcast, and I invite you to listen to it because it was pure GOLD! You can listen to it here:

Connect with me on:

Twitter: @carolinamillan

Instagram: @carolinamillan

Follow Joseph on Instagram: @iamjosephmcclendon

Be sure to download  your FREE Personal Branding guide: http://personalbrandingsecrets.me

Enjoyed this? You might want to head over to listen another great episode on Personal Development that I did with Kamal Ravikant here!

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