August 29, 2017August 29, 2017Advertising, Business, Facebook, Social Media Things To Consider To Avoid Being Banned By Facebook I’ve been advertising on for the past 7 years now. Wow seems like a long time. It was back in 2010 … read the full post
September 7, 2016Blogging, Entrepreneurship, Facebook, Marketing, snapchat, Social Media Facebook Is Embracing Vertical Videos A few short years ago everyone hated vertical videos. Who hasn’t seen one of those on youtube and cringed? I sure did! … read the full post
September 30, 2015September 30, 2015Blogging, Business, Facebook, Marketing, Social Media 5 Cool New Facebook Profile Features You Need To Pay Attention To So I was just reading an article on one of my favorite websites, Techcrunch, about 5 new cool features that will … read the full post