5 Cool New Facebook Profile Features You Need To Pay Attention To

So I was just reading an article on one of my favorite websites, Techcrunch, about 5 new cool features that Facebook will be adding to mobile profiles. On their official blog, Facebook also mentions that user profiles are viewed 4 Billion times per day. Can you imagine that? It's hard for me to comprehend, but there you have it. And a huge amount of that traffic comes from mobile phones.

So naturally, improving the look and feel of Personal Profiles would make sense. These are the 5 features:

  1. The option to pin Featured Photos to the top of the profile
  2. Temporary profile pics
  3. Easier visibility controls for About info, including a new 100 character Bio field
  4. A mobile-centric design with centered profile photos plus big sections for photos and friends
  5. The ability to use a 7-second looping video as your profile pic.

Now, I don't know about you but I'm really excited about feature #5… which will kinda look like this:


as Marketers, we're always looking for ways to brand ourselves, be cool and fun, but at the end of the day, it's not about you, it's about the people whose lives you want to touch with your product or service. So it's good to be able to draw a little bit of attention to get people to come to your personal profile.

Facebook is clearly looking to stay ahead of the game when it comes to profiles, and with these improvements we will be more likely to send traffic back to our profiles.

As you can see, the profile photo will now be in the middle of the page when visiting a profile from  a mobile phone, which highlights it a lot more. So start cranking those 7 second loop videos, too 😉

Another feature that I think is cool because hey, we've been doing this forever, but manually, is the ability to have your profile photo change after a specified time. I remember back in 2009 when I would go on holidays or something, I'd edit my Twitter profile photo and add a bit of text on it along the lines of “Caro On Tour” so people would know I was traveling. Well, now Facebook will let you schedule that and not just when you travel, but as they mention in their blog, if you want to support your favorite team during the season, you can customize your photo to do so.


Another thing that drew my attention is the new bio. It will receive a lot more attention than it currently does, and a great way for you to tell the World what they can expect from you.

You can also watch this quick video where they sum it all up:

Facebook says they'll be rolling out these features first for a limited number of iPhone users in the UK and California. More details about all new upcoming features are here.

Excited about these new features? Leave a comment below and tell me what you think!


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